2023-24 Terms of Registration    

Please read carefully and sign the agreement.

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Registration Fee
Tuition Fee
Material and Activity Fees

By Student 

By Teacher

Make-up Policy
Student Responsibilities


The policies outlined here are updated as of August 2023. Policies may be subject to change without notice.


Video Waiver / Media Consent
I hereby authorize any images or video footage taken of myself and/or my child (under 18 years of age), in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other images and video footage, to be displayed on the Avenue Road Music and Performance Academy website and other official channels, and to be used for media purposes including promotional presentations and marketing campaigns. In giving this authorization, I understand I and/or my child will not be identified by name, and not be used in any picture featuring only myself and/or my child and no others, without my explicit permission. I waive rights to privacy and compensation, which I and/or my child may have in connection with such use of my and/or child’s likeness. 

Loss or Injury
I acknowledge that 12937018 Canada foundation d/b/a Avenue Road Music and Performance Academy is not responsible for any injuries or loss sustained by me/my child while on the building premises, except for those that may be directly attributed to willful negligence on the part of the Academy or its staff.
In the event of injury, although low risk, Avenue Road Music and Performance Academy is not responsible for any injuries in or outside of the Academy acquired through taking classes.